Dear All,
I feel very privileged to be able to share with you my new music music video 'Sermon'.
Although it was not planned, the nature of 'Sermon' was inspired by the difficult times the whole world has gone through in 2023, with wars and suffering taking place in many parts of the globe, hence it is quite sad music.
With this composition, I would like to offer you some moments of solitude and reflection, as well as pay tribute to those whose lives have been lost this year.
It will be premiered tonight, 8 January 2024, at 9pm London time.
Not only it is based on my composition, but it has been produced by myself, so I will be very interested to hear your feedback!
If you would like to hear the composition on purely digital platforms you can follow this link

I wish you peace, health, abundance and happiness for 2024.
I believe that together we can contribute to this world and make it a better place as much as possible.
With love,