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'Jean' enjoyed success of placements in over 30 playlists on Spotify - here are my 5 top favourites.

I was thrilled that since the release of my composition 'Jean' it was placed on over 30 playlists on Spotify and got 2700 plays within 18 days.

It was also a great opportunity to be introduced to new as well as forgotten beautiful music.

Here I am going to share the first 5 playlists which touched my heart.

1. Playlist for Concentration created by Caoba Records. Beautiful music resource if you'd like to have peaceful music on in the background, whilst doing something else.


2. Classical Dream by Raighes Factory. Classical compositions to dream, dance and love with.

This is one of my favourite playlists as it had a strong effect on me... I kept dreaming whilst doing other things.


For anyone who has a dog this playlist does not need any further introduction. I used to have a lovely dog who was my best friend and lived for 16 years - Chuck - and I could totally relate to the playlist. Although Chuck had a very particular taste, favouring Italian opera, but as many dogs there are as many tastes. Hence I am sure this playlist just may entertain your 4-legged friend when he/she is on their own?


Gorgeous playlist which starts with one of my favourite jazz musicians Bill Evans, followed by Pablo Casals, Evgeniy Sudbin and many other amazing versatile musicians. I am honoured to be a part of this wonderful playlist!


Beautiful playlist which puts you in a meditative mood. Highly recommend if you'd like to have calming and chillaxing time.

I hope that these playlists will bring some peace, quiet and beauty in your daily lives.

I would love to know which ones you preferred! You are most welcome to leave your comments below this post.



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