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Writer's pictureGéNIA

Fundraising Concert & Dinner for Ukraine at the Razumovsky Academy, London - 24/4/22 at 6pm

Updated: Apr 23, 2022

Dear All,

It gives me a great pleasure to announce the special event:

Fundraising Concert & Dinner for Ukraine at the Razumovsky Academy. Ukrainian musicians are joined by the legendary English actor Bill Nighy 24/4/22 6pm

The Date: 24 April 2022

Time: 6pm

Location: Razumovsky Academy 56 College Road London NW105ET

This evening is to raise money to “keep up morale among civilians in the war-affected regions of Ukraine, by supporting brave local musicians who continue to give live performances to displaced people", as well as supporting medical and emergency aid to the city.

Legendary British actor Bill Nighy
Legendary British actor Bill Nighy

It will be an honour for me to take part in the following fund-raising event:

The legendary English actor Bill Nighy is graciously lending his support to our fundraising concert. He has kindly offered to give a poetry reading and to attend the post-concert charity dinner, joined by the evening’s most generous contributors.

6pm Drinks, 6.45pm Concert, 8.15pm Charity Dinner

Tickets: Supporter £100 (including pre-concert drinks)

Supporter £250 (including Charity Dinner)

Benefactor £500 (including Charity Dinner)

Patron £1,000 (special seating, including Charity Dinner)

For further details and booking please contact

Programme of poetry reading and music by Gabriel Faure, Chopin, GéNIA, Isaak Dunayevsky, Wieniawski, Saint-Saëns and Beriot.

Performers: Maestro Bill Nighy poetry reading, Oleg Kogan cello, Polina Kogan piano, GéNIA piano, Benny Kogan violin, Vadim Perig violin and Svitlana Kosenko piano


“Since 24th February we have been witnessing a devastating brutal war against Ukraine and its people. Barbaric bombardments have destroyed large parts of Kharkiv – the peaceful, cultured, wonderful city where I was born, went to school and received my musical education. We are donating the proceeds of this Season’s remaining concerts at the Razumovsky Academy and aim to raise further funds to help the people of Ukraine, focusing on the City of Kharkiv. I am grateful to the many musicians who are contributing their performances, and to the Patrons and Friends of The Razumovsky Trust for their generosity. The raised money will be directed to help lift civilian morale across the war affected regions by supporting brave local musicians who will give live performances to displaced people. When the war is over we will help restore the rich musical life of Kharkiv. I hope you will join us and support a cause which is so close to my heart.” Oleg Kogan.

Local musician Yaroslav Korolev playing in Kharkiv on the 50th day of the war.

This video was published on from Yaroslav's Instagram Page

The city of Kharkiv
The city of Kharkiv

I join Oleg in his statement. As someone, who was born in Kharkiv and has many dear friends living there, I would like to do everything possible to support the citizens of Kharkiv. For this purpose I have set-up ‘Support Kharkiv’, which is a micro-trust of ‘GivingWorks’ charity registered in England and Wales, registration no.1078770. ‘Support Kharkiv' micro-trust is government Gift-Aid* supported. It has been created to support the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and its citizens, as the city has undergone demolishing on a large scale. The initial strategy is to support citizens through the humanitarian help, which covers medical assistance, as well as food and emergency aid. For the longer term, the charity aims to provide financial assistance to Kharkiv citizens in need.

When purchasing your ticket, please indicate which cause you would like to support, as both of them are very important (Medical and Emergency Aid or Musicians in Kharkiv). If you would like your ticket funds to go towards Medical and Emergency Aid support, please get in touch with me directly via

I am looking to seeing some of you at the concert!

If you would like to see what I have achieved in my campaign so far, please visit my recent update page as well as my GoFundMe campaign.

Meanwhile if you like to visit the website of Razumovsky Trust and to find out about their other activities.

With love,


*GéNIA’s 'Support Kharkiv’ is a micro-trust of GivingWorks, a charity registered in England and Wales, with charity registration no.1078770. For individuals who have made Gift-Aid declarations pursuant to their donation in aid of Givingworks Charity, 100% of their donations will go towards GéNIA’s charitable endeavours. For those who have not signed Gift-Aid declarations, 7% of the amount donated will be deducted for Giving Works’ administrative costs. No money goes to GéNIA.


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